canary island

The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, south-west of Spain and north-west of Africa. 

They are directly in front of the coast of Morocco.


                           GRAN  CANARIA
There are different climatical areas and differents landscapes:
maspalomas beach

tilos de moya

Las Palmas de gran canaria

 There are very interesting buildings aqnd placces in our city:

The cathedral  of las palmas de g.c.

santa  ana square

house of colon 
(it reminds us that Cristobal Colon made halt in Las Palmas on their journey to America)

Canarian Museum
(it shows  the most interisting expotion you may find abaut  canarian original population )

pueblo canario
(it is a square wich  typical canarian building where you can see typical canarian dances)
 jardin canario

( it shows the incredible variety of plants at the islands , with hundres of species )